
LED Ming 森林之光 早上陽光高照,森林有一種令人震撼的美感,進到裡頭肯定會不自覺的抬頭仰望,欣賞那森林透射在雲霧中射出強而有力的光束. 多麼另人嚮往,是生命希望的開始,是未來成就的到來充滿期待。 Email: ling711218@gmail.com --- Email: kim@chi-ming.org (智慧)(倫理)(研究)(發展) Www.chi-ming.com
Chi Ming Electronics Corp established in 1984 in Taiwan in the first few years our main products are MINIATURE LAMPs, after many years' development in the year 1993 , we formed a new factory in mainland China, and then we begin to produce many new items ,Trucking LED , LED Auto Lighting, LED