
LED ming 虎頭山公園一遊 虎頭山公園座落於桃園市郊成功路三段臨南崁溪處,每天都有許多居民來公園運動晨操,假日的人潮更是暴增。 這次來有點小雨,人潮也很多,遊客帶食物野餐的很多。 (智慧) (道德) (研究) (發展) www.chi-ming.com
Chi Ming Electronics Corp established in 1984 in Taiwan in the first few years our main products are MINIATURE LAMPs, after many years' development in the year 1993 , we formed a new factory in mainland China, and then we begin to produce many new items ,Trucking LED , LED Auto Lighting, LED